Costumed religious entertainment has grown into a multi-million dollar industry
Today, perhaps more than any other time in history, frustrated men have started their own personal church in protest of what we all see going on in the church that Christ founded..This is the normal and stupid behavior of men who lack the proper understanding of what Christ warned us about concerning the future of His Church: left in the hands of mortal ordained men..No one denies the horrible behaviour of bishops during the 'Arian crisis'..And the abuses and corruption just prior to the revolt of Luther were considerable, which led to the 'protestant' schism..Today, after the infiltration by the bolsheviks to undermine the Church, Bella Dodd Testimony before Congress starting in the early 1920s, again, schism has blossomed..This time it appears in the form of 'sedevacantism'..This schismatic core belief this time is: The Church Christ founded under the authority of the See of Rome has gone astray and it's up to the 'faithful' to chart forward the true path of Christ's Church, by labeling the See of Rome as apostate and abandoning the authority of the See of Rome..
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Fake Rolex Watch |
SEDEVACANTISM: U have to believe that the Barque of Peter has sunk..So now its in your hands..The trick is to do the best job u can IMPERSONATING the real Church Christ founded.. like a Rolex watch, it needs to look like the real thing..vestments, liturgy, incense, statues, candles and all other accessories need to be as close to real as possible..Everything U need can easily be bought online..Not a problem..!!
Mark 4:38-40 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, sleeping upon a pillow; and they awake him, and say to him: Master, doth it not concern thee that we perish? 39 And rising up, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Peace, be still. And the wind ceased: and there was made a great calm. 40 And he said to them: Why are you fearful? have you not faith yet? And they feared exceedingly: and they said one to another: Who is this (thinkest thou) that both wind and sea obey him?
Most fake 'traditional' churches base their lineage on ArchBishop Thuc ordinations..Thuc received excommunication not once but twice for performing these invalid is the Vatican Archive document..
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Thuc at Vatican II |
Photo is of Thuc at the Second Vatican Council, WHERE HE STOOD OUT AS A BISHOP OF LIBERAL ORIGIN (in fact more liberal than the Council itself), which contrasts diametrically with the image of a bishop of tradition that the followers of his lineages claim. episcopalians..Out of necessity sedevacantists are required to falsify Thuc's liberal and schismatic mentality in order to make their claim..
Who really was 'ArchBishop Thuc' ? A mentally ill wandering bishop who had a predilection for consecrating known homosexuals, false Marian apparitions, Old Catholics, cash, fraudsters, and cats.
From the preparatory commissions (especially in the context of Vietnam), Thuc, who was a liberal bishop, insisted from his own vision of Vietnamese national interests on two problems: the first was to liberalize the Church, giving greater participation to other religious confessions other than the Christians in the Council (which would imply the participation of predominant Buddhists in their country), in turn allowing women to occupy episcopal roles in the Catholic Church, the second problem was communism, which is why it asked the bishops to convene international public opinion in the face of the communist advance in Laos and Vietnam
Thuc-crime-family in VN
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Thuc: I was just doing what Pope PaulVI said to do |
Thuc's first schismatic 'gift' to the world was helping launch the 'Holy Catholic' Palmarian Church in Spain.. Complete with their very own cardinals and even their very own papal lineage.. Heavily financed by somebody, they got the look down good..
'Holy Catholic' Palmarian Curch in Spain
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Thuc: cats help alot cover up cigar smoke!! |
But wait..there's more!!..Who do U think it would be that 'ordains' a female to 'catholic' clergy..Of course..some clown in the thuc fake lineage!!!..Of course!!!..For a cheap $155,000..chump change for her, but for michael fox, guess what..I now lay hands on u..
thuc-line 'bishop' michael fox
In the late 1990s, Sinead O'Connor was ordained as a priest by Thuc-line sedevacatist 'Bishop' Michael Cox of the Irish Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church. However, The Roman Catholic Church considers ordination of women to be invalid, and states that a person trying to ordain a woman will incur excommunication. In 2007, Sinead said that she considered herself a Christian, and that she believed in core Christian concepts about Jesus Christ. However, in 2018 she converted to Islam, calling it "the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey". She also changed her name to Shuhada' Davitt.
How many fake catholic churches are there today? HUNDREDS..some stay around, others have come and gone..its just protest[ism]..a different slice of the religious market..Here is a Wikipedia alphbetical list of a hundred or so fake catholic churches
'independent catholic' Churches
The Truth is, there is only ONE church on Earth that all its parishes, diocese, and laity submit to Its singular jurisdiction..Like it or not, All other 'christian' protest[ant] churches are separated from this ONE church.. Like St. Ambrose is known for: 'Where Peter Is [See of Rome], THERE is the Church'
ALL 'independent catholic' churches proudly brag that they have no association what-so-ever with the See of Rome..[That's the generally acknowledged defintion of 'protestant']
The Church Christ founded is ONE[jurisdiction], Holy, Catholic[dogma], Apostolic[lineage from Peter] Church..All 'independent catholic' churches claim to be that church..So what are they independent from??..'Independent catholic' is an oxymoron..You can't be independent from the See of Rome and remain 'Catholic'.Being independent means u have become just another protest[ant] church, among many..
CMRI bases their validity back to Thuc..[lol]..CMRI's 'proof' document is a completely fraudulent construction made intentionally very difficult to research to find out what really is there..The truth is, ultimately, they are saying the 'pope said' when there is no document from any Pope declaring what cmri says..They even wrote what they say a pope said IN ITALIAN, apparently to make it look more 'pope-ish'..This is all very deceptive and childish..Constructed like an onion, very difficult to peel away each level and when u finally get to the core, its just them ['somebody'] saying the pope said..This is supposed to pass for Truth..
Links to additional resources
Proper way to deal with a bad Pope
Modern alternative[sede] popes
How can U tell a real Priest from a Fake
'pope' michaelII vatican in exile
Hey,wanna start ur very own fake catholic church.??..not a prob..start here:
first U gotta buy some threads..
Then just buy some prot church or somebody's property and file as 501c3 with IRS
file with IRS as a prot church
Then advertise as an 'independent catholic church'..its completely legal..!!..
U only need 3 people to form the 501c3 corporation.. should be easy..15 minutes..
Now U are 'LEGAL' in the protestant world..!!!!..awesome.. show ur amazing performance..the sheckles will amaze u..
NOTE...U will need to distinguish ur independent catholic church from all other independent catholic churches.. Come up with something special to draw attention to YOUR independent catholic church..Like ur own 'Fatima Conference' or walking backwards leaving ur fake mass..This is just standard business in the religious entertainment the best U can..Otherwise others will overtake U and u will have to file for bankruptcy..
Competiotn is brisk..its best to start with a small geographical area, then once u have bated enuff fish, then u can expand out further..
U wont have any problem..People are so stupid, they will jump into ur collection basket..dont even worry about that..just roll..!!
Here's an example U can use as a template..SGG in Ohio..notice SGG is really SGG, INCORPORATED..A 501c3 corporation, just like all other protestant churches..but they publicly advertise as being a 'traditional catholic' church..Thats the GIG..!!!!!
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then just advertise as catholic
That's how it works..and its completely legal!! long as u dont get sued..
Revelation 19:19-20 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse, and with his army. 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet, who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast, and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone.
Remain in the Barque..Expose the sedevacantist fraud and CRUSH IT..
Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.
The sedevacantist schism is not a part of the Truth