Unravelling the schismatic fraud of mark pivarunas aka CMRI
ALL schisms require that they are based on somekind of illusion or distortion of the Truth, otherwise they would be valid components of the continous Catholic Church.. cmri evolved out of the schismatic Old Roman Catholic schism that had problems with the vat1 resolutions and decided to split away from the Church at that point..vat1 made mistakes, theres no doubt.. but the lesson to be learned is.. schism is worse than remaining in the Church and working toward correcting errors in the Church.. sometimes we tend to worry too much about making everything in the Church 'perfect' while maybe we would be better off focusing more on Charity, Hope, and love.. at any rate, the big lie TLRCC, later to evolve into CMRI by mark pivarunas is the famous declaration that the Pope had privately provided a 'waiver' in requiring in the future, no papal madates in order to validify future bishops in the Thuc lineage..this is total nonsense..this violates basic Church canon law in that only the See of Peter has the keys given to that See from Christ and no authority to downgrade that commission or embellish its authority has ever been even considered within the Catholic Church.. yet CMRI, on their 'About' page clearly says this is the case..
Then, in July 1986, the Congregation held its first general chapter at Mount St. Michael in Spokane, Washington. During this meeting, CMRI established its Rule and Constitutions, which were approved that same year by Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P., whose episcopal lineage can be traced back to Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo-dinh-Thuc. (Archbishop Thuc received extraordinary patriarchal powers from Pope Pius XI on March 15, 1938. BY MEANS OF THESE FACULTIES, HE COULD LEGITIMATELY CONSECRATE BISHOPS WITHOUT THE USUAL MANDATE FROM ROME. THESE FACULTIES WERE RENEWED ON DECEMBER 8, 1939, BY POPE PIUS XII AND WERE NEVER RESCINDED.) this is pure nonsense.. so I contacted cmri headquarters in Omaha and asked them if they would kindly send me the said 'proof' of this statement so that I would know they were telling all of us the truth.. what was sent to me was this pdf file --an image file-- containing NO text what-so-ever, but rather several other image files contained within the original pdf image file.. very odd.. this makes searching for text impossible.. yet there is clearly text there in the images..
First impression that came to me was-- if u have documents from Pope Pius XI like u say why not just hold that up to all and show us the documents u are basing this new branching on..This is the first failure--or deception-- I encountered..So I dug a little deeper.. and u can do the same thing I did to unravel this clever hiding of what really is there..U can work online with pdf files with many tools..the one tool I first used was extractPDF..It disects the original pdf file into its components, whatever those are, so that u can then go further and examine each component with the required tools to do that..
When u extract the various components of the cmri 'proof' pdf, u will see various small artifacts that are basically of no value, but u will see 4 main image files containing text.. the texts appear to be one in english, one in french, and two in either latin or Italian.. please do ur own extractions..U dont need to just 'believe' me..The next step is to go online and use Optical Character Recognition engines to look at each image file and then extract the text from the image..Once u do that for each of the 4 image files containing text, then u have the 'proof' of what cmri is built on..the foundation of this church..the only problem left is 3 of the extracted text files are in foreign languages.. latin, french, whatever..not a problem..Just use an online language translator.. I used the google one..
At this point we can clearly see there is NO DOCUMENT FROM ANY POPE stating what mark pivarunas is saying in his 'About' cmri page..he is a liar..what is there..There is some 3rd party stating that Pope Pius XI is authorising Thuc to establish a SEMINARY NEAR ROME for the secret purpose of training 'candidates' (thats the Pope's wording) for the purpose of salting any future conclave with traditional leaning voices to help encourage a better selection of a future Pope..Read it for urself..This honest effort by Pope Pius XI has been embellished to the point of schism by insisting that what the Pope did was remove the necessity of papal mandates from any candidates the TLRCC or later the cmri produced..A point to be made here is that the Catholic Church, and its course thru history is never, and cannot be determined with 'gnostic' or secret knowledge.. Everything done by Christ in establishing and conducting His Church is open and fully aware to all who would wish to investigate..Christ told them-- I do nothing in secret..This should be a red flag to anyone tempted to buy into the cmri fraud..
Properly jumping thru all the required hoops to disect this clever 'onion layer' fraud, U will end up with these files.. If u want to cheat and not do all the work, here is a zip file containing all extracted files from their 'onion' proof document..
CMRI got sued by the Catholic Church [Spokane Diocese] years ago for falsely advertising as being associated with the local Catholic Diocese..cmri lost in court and ultimately became a 501c3 Historical Preservation Society with its legally stated primary mission: to protect and defend Mount Saint Michael..This is the mountain the premise is built on..Yet their website stmicheal.org declares them as a 'traditional catholic' church..This is typical of the double-minded fraud all the fake catholic 'churches' do..They are not the Roman Catholic Church or any part of what Christ founded..They are, in fact, competiton..like all protest[ant] churches are..
THE MOUNT SAINT MICHAEL HISTORIC PRESERVATION SOCIETY is a business entity in Spokane, Washington registered with the Secretary of State of Washington State. The Unified Business Identifier (UBI) of the entity is #602231752, the entity type is Wa Nonprofit Corporation and the business category is Regular Corporation. The registered agent of the business is Timothy Drahman. The agent office address is 8500 N St Michaels Rd, Spokane, WA 99217. The officers of the entity include Mark Pivarunas (GOVERNOR), Casimir Puskorius (GOVERNOR), John Netzel (GOVERNOR), Dominic Radecki (GOVERNOR), Agnes Rago (GOVERNOR), Timothy Drahman (GOVERNOR), Vianney Tarnowski (GOVERNOR)..
business is good..!!
mark pivarunas Net Worth in 2023 $1 Million - $5 Million